MRI-Lab specs
What are some tech specifications of the MRI lab?
Scanner: Siemens Magnetom Prisma 3T, XR 80/200 gradient coil, Head/Neck 20 and 64 channels
Projector: Vpixx PROPixx 1440 Hz
Projektor-Scanner Interface: Translucent rear-projection screen was a custom-made sandblasted/calendered acrylic flat plane manufactured by our Department of Chemistry
Response Unit: Celeritas fMRI Button Response System
MRI Goggles: MediGlasses for MRI - Full Set
Where can I find the MRI-Scanner?
How can I synchronize my visual stimulus running in Presentation with the MRI scanner?
Select the Parallel Port Device
Port Input Channels
Trigger Channel
Properties Port:
Data Source:
Status Port
Use Interrupt
Inversion Mask
Independent lines:
How can I synchronize my visual stimulus running in MATLAB with the MRI scanner?
We will use the Parallel Port device (LPT1) with the address 0xD050
In order to Initialise the Trigger:
ioObj = io64; checkTriggerSignal64(2,2,ioObj); triggerNo=0; triggerList=[];
Remember to Start the stimulus at the first trigger signal (If you have dummy scans, you just need to change this number)
while triggerNo~=1 [triggerNo,triggerList]=checkTriggerSignal64(0,2, ioObj); end
At the end of your stimulus, don't forget to clear the Object before exiting the code
checkTriggerSignal64(-1,2, ioObj); clear ioObj;
What type of coding will we use for the Celeritas response units in the MRI lab?
What kind of luminance specifications will we use in the MRI lab?
Measurements performed through: Minolta colorimeter (CS-100 Chroma Meter)
Mean luminance of the screen: 86 cd/m2
Minimum and maximum luminance values are 0.2 cd/m2 and 172 cd/m2, respectively
Color | Measurement 1 | Measurement 2 | Measurement 3 | Average |
white (255 255 255) | 336 | 397 | 367 | 366,67 |
Gray (127 127 127) | 171 | 172 | 171,50 | |
Black (0 0 0 ) | 0,19 | 0,18 | 0,19 |
Color | Measurement 1 | Measurement 2 | Measurement 3 | Average |
white (255 255 255) | 40,6 | 34,9 | 36,3 | 37,27 |
Gray (127 127 127) | 14,5 | 14,1 | 14,30 | |
Black (0 0 0 ) |
What kind of Visual Stimulation are we going to use in the MRI Lab?
Stimuli can be presented via a separate PC that is connected to a beamer. The possible resolution is 1024 x 768 at 60 Hz. The beamer projects the image onto a glass (screen) at the bore entrance which can be seen by the participant through the head coil mirror.
* screen - mirror: 90 cm * mirror - eyes: ~15 cm → screen - eyes: 105 cm
Projected image size (full screen on glass) and approximate viewing angles:
* horizontal: 41.5 cm : 22.3° * vertical: 30.5 cm : 16.5°